Joyce Ellen Weinstein
Printmaker, painter
The works of Joyce Ellen Weinstein are concerned with the understanding of human relationships, beginning with ourselves and extending outward to include family, community, ethnicity, and nationality. Although at first glance the works of Joyce Ellen Weinstein appear disparate, after closer examination one can find her inspiration in the personal and emotional, as well as the interaction developed through self, family, and community - all of which are parts making up the whole of her unified body of work. Her works do not sentimentalize, but speak of the human measure and human condition. The works of Joyce Ellen Weinstein ask the universal question: "who am I and where am I going?"
Comments by Ori B. Soltes
My comments:
"I am primarily a figurative painter. My interest has always been in people, who they are, how they behave, and what they look like. However, after my recent relocation to Maine from NYC, the majestic beauty of Maine, its landscape and coastline overwhelmed me. Viewing and living within this beauty opened up a new world for me. I couldn’t help myself and produced a series of seascape and coastline paintings and prints observing the amazing beauty and overwhelming experience of being in raw nature. Now my goal is to incorporate my love of figures and the love of nature into the work"